What may become a series, this is a heartwarming, short story about a teen boy named Dash who just wanted to become a barrel racer but had to overcome the teasing from his peers, gender stereotyping, and gaining the trust of a horse bound for slaughter.
“Dash always dreamed of being a barrel racer like his sister Madeline, but in the rodeo world, barrel racing wasn’t a sport boys did. That’s for girls. Boys are supposed to be bronc riding cowboys. He knew, no matter what, someday he would barrel race but he needed to overcome a lot of obstacles and he needed a horse. One day, he saw a sad looking horse named Sassy that nobody wanted—except Dash. Could Sassy ever be a barrel horse? What would the rodeo world think of Dash and his rescue horse? Would the folks on the ranch support him and Sassy? Would his sister support him? All Dash knew was he had to try.”
Jacquelyn Trowell, born in Grants Pass, Oregon and moved to the Bay Area California at the age of 13, is now an established artist and graphic designer, living in Ottawa, Ontario CANADA. In addition, she is an avid equestrian. Through her many “horse” adventures, and observations in the show world, she noticed many occasions of ugliness, bullying, and stereotyping. Because of this, she felt compelled to write a short story of a fictional boy and his rescue horse. Jacquelyns own horse is the inspiration for the mare in this story.